Veterans Day – a time to remember those who have served and who are actively serving our country in the various branches of the military.  It was previously named Armistice Day, but then renamed Veterans Day in 1954.

You may wonder why I am telling you this.  Well, today at my school we had a brief Veterans Day assembly for all of the 2nd and 3rd grade students.  This is the third year we have done this special event, and each time, I have come home feeling honored, blessed, and thankful.  This year’s assembly, however, was unique for me.  This feeling was because my dear Grandfather just recently passed away in August.  He was an amazing man, husband, father of ten children, inventor, hard worker, wonderful musician, and a veteran.  He served in the Navy during the Korean war from 1948-1951.  His recent death made this Veterans Day somehow feel different to me.

The day began with the high school band welcoming students off the bus with patriotic tunes.  Then our assembly began with the national anthem, sung by some high school choir members, followed by Taps.  After a slide show with pictures, including my Grandfather, and a brief presentation by a guest speaker, the program concluded with a rousing performance of “Thank a Vet” (Music K-8, by Mike Wilson).  I have been teaching my students this song for over 3 weeks now, and I know the incredible power a beautiful melody and arrangement can have on a person.  It was just an amazing feeling to have a part in directing nearly 600 students in singing this tribute to the 20 Veterans present.  It was an amazing feeling, and I know my Grandfather would have been pleased and honored.

If you’re looking for tear-jerker for your next Veterans Day event, you can listen to the recording of “Thank a Vet” here.

Thanks for taking the time to read this!  If you have any other ideas for patriotic elementary choir songs, I’d love to hear about them!

Thank you to all the men and women who have served and are currently serving our country, the United States of America!


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